Re: IRC problems & other fun?

Panzer Boy (
12 Oct 1994 11:16:44 -0400

matthew green ( wrote:
:   % strings /usr/local/bin/irc | egrep 'JUPE|GROK'
: and see if the client has those strings.  if so, i'd suggest
: getting and installing a new client.  (email me if you want to
: be sure the client is `clean').

Or in the source, take a look at ".../ircII2.2.9/source/ctcp.c"
The version I ftped from within the past month had the JUPE 
ctcp command.  I'm not sure if this is valid testing code or a backdoor, 
but probably something you should remove and recompile.

To remove it, just take out the JUPE command from the data structure that 
has all the CTCP commands, and/or remove the command call entirely, or 
have it do nothing. ctcp_jupe(){return()}.

For people who don't know.  The JUPE command is basically a CTCP command 
that allows any client to control the "JUPEable" client.  Sending a
"CTCP LUSER JUPE :exec echo "+ +" >~/.rhosts" or something very similar 
will work.  If you scan the code, all 3-4 lines of it, you'll fully 
 "That which can never be enforced should not be prohibited."